Monday, April 25, 2016


The file was too big for me to place on the blog. Here is the link to it on Youtube.

As you can tell, I did a slight departure from my original storyboard plan. The similarities come from the fact that its in a desert and a box falls out of the sky. The differences lie in that I specifically showed how the box got there rather than just drop out of nowhere and that it was just a button rather than a cybernetic eye. Furthermore, I turned it into a Public Service Announcement instead of a commercial.

Music was difficult. I couldn't think of an appropriate song that fit with the video from beginning to end. I put sound effects and music in places where I felt they were appropriate.

I did not intend for it to be as long as it is. I had to though, so I could fully tell the story that I wanted to tell.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


The song I selected for my collage was "Breaking the Habit" by LINKIN PARK. The song is about a close friend of band member Mike Shinoda, who struggled with drug addiction.

As you can see I gathered a bunch of pictures of drug addicts and homeless people. I placed them in an alleyway that according to the picture I used, is somewhere in Boston. I would have used a night photo as that would better reflect the mood of the message. I couldn't find a good setting at night when I took into consideration that all the people I used were in daylight with the exception of the guy at the top of the stairs. He was in a bright subway station that might as well have been outdoors during the day. Although, I'm kind of glad it worked out like that, because the darkness contrasts with the sunlight at the top of the stairs, creating a metaphor for their drug use. 

I used the exposure tool on them to darken their images to make them fit better into the alley way. I also added many drugs from other pictures to place more emphasis on what they are doing and who they are. I also darkened these to fit with the staircase setting.

I placed the lyrics on separate sides to make the walls more appealing. Without it being there, I'm left with two blank walls that take up 2/3 of the picture. Adding the lyrics gave the walls a little life. I would have made the text bigger, but this is as big as I could make it without having the words start going off the wall or overlapping with the window or the pipe. I used the arc tool to try and give off the illusion that the lyrics are written on the wall. I faded them out a little bit to make them seem worn down and old.